As an HR manager or team manager, you would like your employees to stay with the organization for as long as possible. Not only from the organizational point of view, but also the human aspect is important in this. You naturally want your employees to be happy in their jobs and energized by the work they do. The focus on sustainable HR policy is essential for a work environment in which employees remain sustainably employable long term. How can a sustainable HR policy be effectively implemented so that it has a positive impact on the well-being and performance of teams?

Why is sustainable HR strategy important?

HR is the foundation of every organization. After all, without employees you will get nowhere. Therefore, you need to be able to look ahead and ensure that employees stay with your organization. But sustainable HR policy goes beyond attracting and retaining talent. It focuses on creating a work environment in which employees are comfortable both personally and professionally. This is important because sustainable employability benefits not only individual employees, but also the organization as a whole. By investing in sustainable HR policies, you can create a culture of engagement, motivation and well-being, which in turn leads to higher productivity, lower turnover rates and a stronger long-term competitive advantage.

3 benefits of sustainable HR strategy

1. Improved retention and productivity

By investing in employee well-being, employees feel more valued and engaged in their work. This leads to higher levels of satisfaction and loyalty, which in turn increases retention and boosts productivity.

2. Reduced absenteeism

A positive work environment focused on employee well-being can reduce absenteeism. By reducing stress and promoting a good work-life balance, you can significantly reduce employee sick days.

3. Enhanced employer image

Organizations that actively pursue sustainable HR policies are seen as attractive employers. This can help attract new talent and retain your best employees long-term.

How do you get started with sustainable HR strategy?

Implementing an effective sustainable HR policy requires a strategic approach and consistent effort. Four steps are detailed below to offer you insight into the process of creating strategic human resources policies that will prepare you for the future.

Step 1: Analyse the current situation

Start with a thorough analysis of the current work environment, culture and policies. This includes evaluating current working conditions, such as workload, stress levels and employee work-life balance. Identify strengths that should be retained and areas that need improvement. This can be accomplished through workshops, focus groups and surveys. It is essential to get a clear picture of employee needs and challenges, as well as organizational goals and values.

Through 2DAYSMOOD’s baseline measurement, you can see exactly which parts of the Employee Happiness Model you score well on, and which parts need your attention. A handy dashboard gives you quick and real-time insight into the results. This way, you know exactly where to start – where the most profit can be made!

Step 2: Start measuring employee happiness

Measuring employee happiness is a crucial step in developing a sustainable HR policy. Use tools such as 2DAYSMOOD to send out surveys and collect data and feedback. This will give you insight into employee satisfaction, engagement and overall well-being. These measurements can collect both quantitative and qualitative data on various aspects of employee happiness, including work environment, relationships with colleagues, recognition and rewards, as well as development and training. By conducting regular employee happiness surveys, you can identify trends, address bottlenecks and evaluate the impact of interventions.

Step 3: Develop targeted interventions

Use the insights from employee happiness surveys to develop targeted interventions that promote employee well-being. These can be both short-term and long-term initiatives designed to address specific challenges and encourage positive change. Examples of interventions include implementing flexible working hours and work-from-home options to improve work-life balance, hosting workshops and training on stress management and resilience, and establishing career development and (reverse) mentorship programs. It is important to tailor these interventions to employees’ needs and preferences, and to ensure clear communication and involvement in their implementation.

Step 4: Evaluate and adjust

Continuous evaluation and adjustment are essential to the success of a sustainable HR policy. Monitor the effectiveness of implemented interventions by regularly collecting employee feedback and tracking performance indicators such as turnover rates, absenteeism and engagement scores. Also evaluate the overall impact of the policy on organizational culture and performance. Based on these evaluations, adjustments can be made to existing interventions and new initiatives can be developed to meet changing needs and challenges. It is important to take a flexible approach and to continually seek improvement and innovation in human resources policies.

Start a sustainable HR strategy now!

By following these four steps, you can effectively engage in sustainable HR policy and create a work environment where employees remain sustainably employable and feel good about themselves. That way, as an HR manager or team leader, you can have a positive impact on employee well-being, engagement and performance, contributing to the success and resilience of the organization as a whole.

Want insight from an expert in setting up a sustainable HR strategy? Our experts are ready for you! Check here for a free consultation.