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How W3S Digital makes workplace happiness measurable and achievable

Result 1

Increase in App


Result 2



Increasing employee happiness and improving the eNPS Score


Lijn 150 x 4

About W3S Digital


W3S Digital, a digital agency that provides innovative solutions for forward-thinking clients, places a high priority on their employees' workplace happiness. The organization aims to create an optimal user experience for their clients while also fostering a thriving work environment for their own team. To achieve this, W3S Digital uses the 2DAYSMOOD software tool to continuously measure and improve their employees' employee happiness and satisfaction.

The challenge

With the slogan "Meten = weten" ("Measuring = knowing"), W3S Digital focuses on data-driven decision-making. Over the past two years, the organization has collected qualitative data using the 2DAYSMOOD tool. This helps them gain insights into the organization's "gut feelings" and work strategically on improving the work climate. With the 2DAYSMOOD software, W3S Digital continuously monitors their team's mood and periodically focuses on specific topics such as 'Reward & Recognition,' 'Work Pressure,' 'Hybrid Working,' and 'Inclusivity in the Workplace.' The results are visible to everyone, ensuring 100% transparency. This approach enables them to quickly address the most critical improvement areas while involving the entire team in the organization's development in a low-threshold manner.

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The result with 2DAYSMOOD

After two years of intensive use of the 2DAYSMOOD tool, W3S Digital has achieved an impressive eNPS score. When asked, "How likely are you to recommend W3S Digital as a good employer to others?" 70% of employees responded positively. This score reflects the positive impact of their efforts in promoting employee happiness. W3S Digital has observed a rising trend in energy, productivity, and employee happiness!

"We see a rising trend in energy, productivity, and employee happiness on our floor! Colleagues feel and are increasingly engaged with our organization. With 2DAYSMOOD, we are truly proactive in continuously improving the experience and culture of our company. This gives us an incredible amount of energy."

Vincent de Jong

Director W3S Digital

Ready to boost happiness in your organization?

Request a live demo and we’ll help you get started.



What our customers are saying

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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Tellus fames sollicitudin fermentum elementum risus vulputate. Vitae sed eu nec urna.”

John Carter

- VP of Marketing at Webflow