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Schedule a 1:1 demo with a product advisor

By choosing 2DAYSMOOD, you enjoy the following benefits:

Vinkje Los 2 Develop organizational awareness with continuous feedback

Vinkje Los 2 Support HR decisions with data and measurable ROI

Vinkje Los 2 Improve workplace happiness with cost-effective, targeted solutions

Jos Cyaan - 250p
Jos Mulder
Mathijs van Alphen

What can I expect?

Product demo

Personalized advice for your organization

Opportunity to ask all your questions

Support for internal product testing

Custom quote

Schedule a demo

Please fill out the form carefully and completely, so we can prepare a demo that perfectly matches your needs.



Lijn 150 x 4


What does a demo include?

In a demo, you will get to know 2DAYSMOOD as an organization, we explain our methodology, and guide you through the software. Prior to the demo, we will ask you some questions about your organization. For example, we might ask how many employees your organization has, what the current challenge is, and what you hope to achieve with 2DAYSMOOD.

At the end of the demo, there will be time for any additional questions you may have.

Can I bring my colleagues (digitally)?

Absolutely! "The more the merrier."

How long does a demo take?

We recommend setting aside an hour. A minimum of 30 minutes, preferably 60 minutes.

Is a demo the only source of information I receive?

Certainly not. Following the initial demonstration, we will gladly send you a no-obligation quote, the presentation, and all relevant documents. This gives you the opportunity to review everything at your own pace. If your interest is piqued and you wish for further clarification, we invite you to a follow-up demo. During this session, we delve deeper into the possibilities of our product and explore future steps together. This follow-up demo also provides an excellent opportunity for other stakeholders in your organization to participate.