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6 tips to structurally reduce workload: less stress and more employee engagement

Reducing workload helps to gain happier employees and reduce absenteeism. Read these 6 tips to quickly tackle the workload in your team!


Jul 22, 2024

Now more than ever, it's crucial to pay attention to work stress and workload. 37 percent of employees cite these factors as reasons for absenteeism. A staggering 98 percent of workers between the ages of 18 and 24 exhibit symptoms of burnout. Yet, not all organizations take adequate measures against it. The toll of high workload can be immense, not only for individual employees but also for the organization as a whole. To prevent prolonged absenteeism, it's important to reduce workload. But how can this be achieved?

Consequences of high workload

A high workload can have many consequences for both the organization and your employees. It often leads to a loss of productivity, a decline in the quality of work and an increased risk of burnout and other health problems. For employees, it can lead to feelings of overwhelm, stress and exhaustion, leading to ever decreasing motivation and commitment. All this can have a negative impact on the overall atmosphere within the team and even lead to high staff turnover. In addition, you run a higher risk of long-term absenteeism, which in turn increases the workload for others.

Why do you need to reduce workload?

It is critical for HR managers and team leaders to reduce their employees' workloads for several reasons. First, it contributes to employee well-being and satisfaction, which in turn increases engagement and productivity. In addition, it can help prevent burnout symptoms and reduce staff turnover. A healthy work-life balance is essential for retaining talent and creating a positive work environment in which people can thrive.

6 tips to reduce workload and absenteeism

So by now you know why reducing workload is so important. Not only for the organization, but especially for the well-being of your employees. But how can you get started? Here are 6 tips to reduce workload.

1. Measuring workload regularly

To address workload effectively, it is essential to first get a good picture of what employees are dealing with. By regularly measuring the workload through surveys or interviews, for example, you gain insight into the bottlenecks and can take targeted measures to address them. This allows you to take preventive action before the workload becomes untenable.

Short-cycle measurements such as 2DAYSMOOD 's surveys help you regularly measure the workload in the team. Online dashboards give team leaders and HR managers quick, real-time insights into what workload looks like. If you see that the workload is too high for long periods of time, you know you need to get to work quickly to reduce workload.

2. Encourage collaboration among colleagues

Good cooperation can help distribute workloads and perform tasks more efficiently. Encourage employees to share tasks among themselves, share knowledge and experience, and support each other as needed. This can not only reduce pressure but also strengthen team spirit.

In addition, make sure that the knowledge in teams is well distributed. That way, if an employee drops out or leaves, you avoid losing the knowledge. In fact, this can also lead to extra stress for the employees who have to deal with this.

3. 360 degree feedback

Feedback is an important tool for reducing workloads. This is because when employees give each other feedback regularly, it encourages an open culture. In this type of team, everything can be discussed and there is a regular check with each other to see how things are going. This is important if there are a number of people in the team who experience a lot of work pressure, so that they raise the alarm in time. Prevention is always more effective than having to cure it!

4. Offer support to employees

It is important that employees know they are not alone during times of high workload. Encourage them to ask for help when needed and offer support in the form of training, coaching or counseling. An open and supportive culture can help reduce stress and make employees feel supported.

5. Create a healthy work-life balance

A healthy work-life balance is essential for employee well-being. Encourage flexible working hours, working from home and taking adequate breaks during the workday. This helps employees reduce stress and maintain their energy levels. An important part of this is also time management: learn to prioritize the work at hand together. What needs to be done now, and what can wait? This prevents employees from regularly working into the evening.

6. Facilitate professional development and growth

A lack of personal growth and development opportunities can contribute to feelings of stagnation and frustration among employees, which in turn can increase workload. Therefore, provide opportunities for professional development, such as training, workshops and mentoring programs. By encouraging employees to learn new skills and grow in their positions, you give them a sense of accomplishment and commitment, which can help reduce stress and lower workload. Moreover, by doing so, you are investing in the future capabilities of your team, which will benefit the organization's effectiveness and resilience in the long run.

Reduce workload: create a healthy work environment

Reducing workload within your organization is vital to employee well-being and performance. By taking proactive steps to reduce workload, you can not only prevent burnout symptoms, but also create a positive and productive work environment in which employees thrive. By encouraging collaboration among colleagues, promoting clear communication and ensuring a good work-life balance, you can effectively reduce workloads and facilitate a culture of well-being and satisfaction. Invest in the well-being of your employees and reap the benefits of a happy and healthy team.

Want insight from an expert to reduce workload in your organization? Our experts are here for you! Check here for a free consultation.

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