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Enhanced well-being for youth support workers in Niagara thanks to 2DAYSMOOD

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How Youth Resources Niagara improves employee well-being with 2DAYSMOOD, enhancing support for youth.


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About Youth Resources Niagara


Youth Resources Niagara (YRN) provides troubled youth in Niagara with an inspiring environment where they can reach their full potential. With the help of 2DAYSMOOD, YRN has made impressive strides in improving employee well-being. By measuring employee well-being in real-time using the 2DAYSMOOD tool and leveraging the resulting data and insights, YRN was able to implement targeted action plans to address stress points directly and increase team satisfaction. This has not only improved employee well-being but also strengthened the support and care for youth in Niagara.

The challenge

YRN employees cannot work remotely and face the challenging task of supporting troubled youth daily, leading to high stress levels. Traditional feedback methods fell short in capturing the full spectrum of employee needs. Therefore, YRN sought a holistic solution and found it in 2DAYSMOOD.

The holistic approach of 2DAYSMOOD focuses on continuously and comprehensively monitoring employee well-being to obtain a complete and current picture of their feelings and needs. Employee happiness is frequently and real-time measured through short, weekly surveys, allowing employees to provide anonymous feedback about their work experience and well-being. This data is then analyzed and directly translated into clear insights and recommendations. This enables organizations like YRN to quickly take targeted actions that effectively address their employees' needs.

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The result with 2DAYSMOOD

The renewed approach of 2DAYSMOOD not only provides a snapshot of employee happiness but also helps in long-term improvement of the work experience and creation of a positive and productive work environment. With the real-time data and insights from 2DAYSMOOD, YRN has successfully implemented concrete improvements in internal communication. This includes weekly memos from managers, monthly check-ins, and extensive training opportunities. These initiatives have significantly increased employee satisfaction and well-being. The collaboration with 2DAYSMOOD has fostered trust and transparency internally, enabling YRN to better fulfill its mission of empowerment and inclusivity.

"To increase work happiness and engagement I would suggest beginning with direct conversations to identify what areas are most salient to the staff. Follow that by implementing action plans to address these areas, and then using a platform such as 2DAYSMOOD to assess how the action plans are working."

Danielle Horodenchuk

Executive Director at Youth Resources Niagara

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