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Lijn 150 x 5

Good Employer Practices at CarCollect

Result 1

Increase in App


Result 2



Increasing employee satisfaction with data and concrete insights for continuous improvement in the workplace.


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About CarCollect


CarCollect, a rapidly growing all-in-one B2B automotive platform, focuses daily on increasing employee satisfaction to collectively reach higher levels. By measuring employee satisfaction in real-time and comprehensively with 2DAYSMOOD, CarCollect quickly and smartly adapts to shifts in working methods and changing employee needs. 2DAYSMOOD helps them gain concrete insights from data on internal dynamics, allowing them to have conversations about areas needing improvement. They also discuss areas that are performing well to celebrate successes together.

The challenge

CarCollect is constantly striving to improve and streamline their operations, guided by their unique vision and placing great importance on organizational culture. To align everyone, they organized a culture session with the entire team.

CarCollect quickly responds to changing employee needs and takes them seriously. Based on the baseline data from 2DAYSMOOD, they invest in the workplace happiness drivers where they score highly and that are important to employees. The data-driven investments focus on Personal Growth and Collaboration. Successes are celebrated together, and fun team activities are organized.

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The result with 2DAYSMOOD

By measuring in a low-threshold, anonymous, and secure way, both extroverted and introverted employees feel comfortable expressing their opinions. Internal changes are immediately reflected in the 2DAYSMOOD data. Using concrete insights, CarCollect engages in targeted conversations with employees or opts to conduct an in-depth survey. The areas for improvement are then translated into targeted, effective follow-up steps to maintain and monitor progress in the workplace.


"We believe that when you are good to your people, they will be good to you, and together you will grow to the next level. The 2DAYSMOOD tool helps us gain insights from data on what is happening internally, allowing us to have concrete conversations and make targeted improvements."

Lale Izmirli

People Operations Professional at CarCollect

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