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Measuring employee engagement

Engaged employees are first and foremost more productive, motivated, and less susceptible to stress. They are also interested in the organization's developments and are eager to contribute ideas. The more engaged your employees are, the better your results! But how can you measure employee engagement? There are 15 measurable drivers that influence happiness and engagement at work.

How do you get engaged employees with 2DAYSMOOD?

Develop organizational awareness with continuous feedback


Support HR decisions with data and measurable ROI


Improve workplace happiness with cost-effective targeted solutions

Want to see this with your own eyes?

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Happy and engaged team members: the foundation of business success

Motivated team members are crucial for any successful team. Their positive attitude and engagement not only foster collegiality and a strong company culture but are also essential for job satisfaction. In the long run, this leads to higher productivity, better business performance, fewer burnouts, and a competitive advantage in the talent market.

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How can you determine your team's engagement?

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Ask the right question at the right time

Lightning-fast pulse surveys that provide a wealth of information within 15 seconds or thorough, pre-assembled questionnaires.

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Always access up-to-date data and spot trends

Stop waiting for external analyses; get immediate access to insights as soon as they are relevant.

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From data to action, making targeted progress

Assistance in deciphering the data, receive smart advice, and outline action plans.

Do you want to map out your employees' engagement?

We will tell you more in our free demo.


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Insights at various team levels with HR dashboards and benchmarks

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Unlock superior HR insights with integrated KPIs

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Ontsluit superieure HR inzichten met geïntegreerde KPI's

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Verkrijg onmiddellijk toegang tot kant-en-klare, wetenschappelijk onderbouwde vragenlijsten

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Gain insight into the emotional state within 15 seconds using the Russell Circumplex Model. Flexible for regular checks.

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15 drivers of happiness

The analysis identifies 15 essential, scientifically backed drivers of workplace happiness. They provide insights into focus areas to effectively increase workplace happiness.

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The eNPS module provides insights into your work environment, measures organizational appreciation, and benchmarks your brand. Crucial for talent management and employer branding.

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Verdiepende vragen

Voer gerichte en efficiënte metingen uit met een uitgebreide collectie wetenschappelijk onderbouwde en beproefde enquêtes die aansluiten bij de kernonderwerpen van de 15 drijfveren van werkgeluk.

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Safety, privacy, and expertise are our top priorities


ISO-27001 certified and compliant with the latest cybersecurity standards


Every response we receive is handled with strict confidentiality and anonymity

Based on science in collaboration with Utrecht University

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The experiences of our valued customers


“What appeals to us about 2DAYSMOOD is the ability to conduct both horizontal and vertical analyses of the data. Additionally, you have a lot of freedom in how you set up the surveys, from organization-wide surveys to measurements at the team level.”

Boudewijn Trompert

Senior Recruitment Marketeer, Facilicom



“For example, what we see is that internal changes are immediately reflected in the data, which is very convenient, as it makes it easy to initiate conversations.”

Lale Izmirli

People Operations Professional, CarCollect


We are happy to help you with any challenge by providing advice on topics such as workplace happiness, satisfaction measurement methods, and customized solutions.

Martin Meulenkamp

Employee Happiness Expert



Free consultation

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