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Employee engagement tools: start to measure employee satisfaction for more satisfied and happy employees

With 2DAYSMOODs Employee engagement tools you measure quickly and easily how employees feel. Measure more than just satisfaction, but the experience of happiness during work. Above all, it is a great HR tool that helps to understand your employees’ needs and motivation better.


Develop organizational awareness with continuous feedback


Support HR decisions with data and measurable ROI


Improve workplace happiness with cost-effective, targeted solutions

employee engagement tools
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Happy team members: the foundation of a healthy company culture and business success

Understanding what excites your team members is essential. This transforms them into driven, creative, and efficient employees with a strong connection to your organization.

What is really happening on the work floor? Listen to your employees and discover their motivations for greater workplace happiness with our 15-second employee satisfaction survey.

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How employee engagement tools help

irstly measuring employee satisfaction is about knowing about the emotions on the workplace. Work can make employees satisfied, dissatisfied, excited or stressed. But the underlying causes of our mood during work are diverse: social relationships, sensegiving, or having a secure source of income. One thing is certain, happy moods are contagious and lead to a positive and productive working climate, in which employees excel!

Avoid boredom, work stress, and burnout
At the start of their career, employees do not think they will end up in a negative working atmosphere, boredom and a bore-out, or long-term stress and burnout. Nevertheless, around one million people now run the risk of burnout and other work-related psychological complaints. And that’s pretty strange. Your job should not make you sick or sad.

Organizations that are known for their strong employer brand invest in employee happiness. They help their employees to prevent work-related complaints, by listening well and responding to employees' ambitions, personal drivers and moods during work.

Get a free demo of the 2DAYMOOD employee engagement tool


“I enjoyed the 360-degree survey where employees give each other feedback. The results partly determined the input for our annual plan. Ultimately, the discussions we had, analyzing the data dashboards, were the most valuable.”
Naomi Stol

Chapterlead Service Desk, ANVA

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Discover how our platform helps improve employee satisfaction

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Ask the right question at the right time

Lightning-fast pulse surveys that provide a wealth of information in just 15 seconds, or thorough, pre-assembled questionnaires.

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Always access current data and spot trends

Stop waiting for external analyses; get immediate access to insights as soon as they are relevant.

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From data to action, make targeted progress

Get help deciphering the data, receive smart advice, and map out action plans.

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Insight at various team levels with HR dashboards and benchmarks

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Easily integrates into the existing ecosystem

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Unlock superior HR insights with integrated KPIs

Ready to boost happiness in your organization?

Request a live demo and we'll help you get started.


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The experiences of our valued customers


“What appeals to us about 2DAYSMOOD is the ability to perform both horizontal and vertical analyses of the data. Additionally, you have a lot of freedom in designing the surveys. From organization-wide surveys to team-level measurements.”

Boudewijn Trompert

Senior Recruitment Marketeer, Facilicom



“What we see, for example, is that internal changes are immediately reflected in the data. This is very helpful, of course, as it makes it easy to start the conversation.”

Lale Izmirli

People Operations Professional, CarCollect


We are happy to help you with any challenge by providing advice on workplace happiness, satisfaction measurement methods, and custom solutions.

Martin Meulenkamp

HR Employee Happiness Expert

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