Work on the most productive and positive team with relevant feedback.

Do you have any idea what your team’s reputation is with internal and external customers? And what team members think about themselves? What are their expectations, how satisfied are they with the work done and how smooth is the communication?

Now that the end of the year is approaching – and traditional performance appraisals or team evaluations are being conducted – it is essential to get the most relevant feedback. After all, you want to get concrete points for improvement to perform better in the (near) future!

This is possible with the fast 360° team feedback measurement of 2DAYSMOOD.

What is 360° team feedback?

Meet a new and multidimensional way of gaining feedback, that is not aimed at the individual but at the team: 360° team feedback! Your team not only evaluates itself, but also receives feedback from desired stakeholders within and outside the organization. Think of direct supervisors, other internal departments, the executive board, customers, suppliers or partners.

By retrieving feedback from the most relevant people, in a fast and simple way, you can improve team engagement, performance and your reputation.

Adding an external perspective creates self-awareness, increases team effectiveness and productivity and helps teams focus on further team development (Nowack & Mashihi, 2012)

What makes 2DAYSMOOD’s 360° feedback survey unique?

Every manager or team leader has his own ways of assessing employees and teams. Informally, via a weekly cup of coffee, or more formally, via monthly or annual performance appraisals.

With the 360° feedback module from 2DAYSMOOD we want to supplement and optimize these methods with valuable data. In this way, you can obtain the best insights with the greatest potential impact. We innovate in three ways:

  1. Feedback aimed at team cooperation instead of only the individual
  2. Feedback from multiple internal and external perspectives
  3. Feedback via a fast, smart and repeatable survey

The 2DAYSMOOD team feedback measurement was developed on the basis of scientific research, in combination with the technology of our continuous measurement method of employee engagement and happiness.

Which insights do you get with 360° team feedback?

To strengthen the position of your team you can use the 2DAYSMOOD measurement. You will receive answers to several important questions such as the ones listed below:

• What is the reputation of my team according to the most important stakeholders?
• How is the functioning of my team perceived by stakeholders?
• Are all roles in my team well represented?
• To what extend does my team meet expectations?
• What are the most important points for improvement?
• …

Also read how to prevent these 3 common feedback mistakes.

How does the 2DAYSMOOD method work?

Organizations use our realtime feedback method to continuously measure and improve the mood, satisfaction and engagement of their teams. After all, these are proven indicators of healthy and productive employees. The 360° team feedback measurement is a separate moduleo within the complete measurement method. It is a valuable addition, with an external component and concrete insights, to develop an even more effective team.

In the online measurement we use our easy-to-use survey to get feedback; smart realtime dashboards for analyzing data, and a knowledge platform that allows you to take immediate action.