Everyone wants to feel valued, especially at work where we spend a great deal of our time. Showing appreciation at work is an important part of building a positive work culture and keeping employees motivated and satisfied. Yet we see in our data that organizations often have difficulty expressing appreciation, as they often score low on this driver. That is why we want to help and support you where possible! In this blog we will discuss why appreciation is important and how HR departments and employers can express appreciation in the workplace.

Why is appreciation at work important?

Employees who feel valued are often more motivated, productive and engaged in their work. This can lead to higher quality work and better results for the company. On the other hand, a lack of appreciation can lead to dissatisfaction, demotivation and ultimately employee turnover. Expressing appreciation can also contribute to a positive work culture and a sense of connection between employees and the company. There are several scientific theories and studies that support the benefits of appreciation at work. See our white paper on appreciation to gain insight.

Why is appreciation at work so important for employees?

Appreciation is important for employees because it increases their self-esteem and commitment. Employees who regularly receive appreciation from their organization gain more confidence in their work. This can lead to a higher involvement in work, which also makes employees feel more involved with their managers and colleagues. Expressing appreciation to employees can increase their motivation to deliver better performance. This has a positive effect on their self-esteem!

What does your organization gain when you pay attention to appreciation at work?

These are the key benefits:

1. Higher employee satisfaction and involvement

Employees who receive appreciation for their work are generally more satisfied and engaged in their work. This can lead to less turnover and higher productivity.

2. Better performance

Employees who feel appreciated are more motivated to do their job well and can perform better.

3. Improved work culture

EA work culture in which appreciation is expressed can contribute to a positive atmosphere in the workplace and a sense of belonging among employees.

4. Positive impact on employee health and well-being

Employees who feel appreciated tend to have better health and well-being. This can lead to less stress and absenteeism. Expressing appreciation at work can therefore prevent major expenses in many organizations!

How can HR departments and employers express appreciation at work?

There are several ways in which HR departments and employers can show appreciation in the workplace. Below we will show you 5 tips and tricks:

Tip 1: Give Compliments and Recognition

A simple and effective way to show appreciation is to give employees a compliments and recognition for their work regularly. This can be done, for example, during a personal conversation, via e-mail or during a meeting. Also see our blog about giving compliments at work!

Tip 2: Pay attention to team building

Organizing events or team building activities can also contribute to the feeling of appreciation and connection between employees and the organization. This can vary from small social activities to larger events, such as company outings or parties.

Tip 3: Invest in Learning & Development

Investing in employee development and training can be a way of expressing appreciation. By giving employees the opportunity to learn new skills and develop themselves, you show that you invest in them and value what they contribute to the organization.

Tip 4: Create a positive organizational culture

A positive organizational culture contributes to employees feeling valued and satisfied. This can be done, for example, by encouraging open communication, flexible working hours or a good work-life balance.

Tip 5: Give bonuses or rewards

Ultimately, financial rewards are always a powerful way to express appreciation where it is deserved. Giving bonuses or other rewards can encourage employees to continue to do their work at a high level.

Appreciation at work, a must for your organization!

As you can see appreciation can take many forms, for example a simple ‘thank you’ or a compliment. But appreciation can also take on more extensive forms of recognition, such as a pay rise or a promotion. The most important thing to realize here is that the form of appreciation does not matter as much as the fact that the employee receives recognition for her/his work. The most important thing here is that employees feel that their efforts and contributions are noticed and appreciated!

More insight into appreciation in your workplace? Use data!

Do you want to actively work on increasing appreciation in your organization? Take a look at the page about appreciation on our website. In addition to applying the tips and tricks mentioned in this blog, gaining insight into appreciation within your organization is crucial. Get started with the 2DAYSMOOD tool. Do a baseline measurement to see how happy your employees are. Gain insight into the appreciation factor within your organization through the Employee Happiness Model to make rapid progress in engaging your employees. Or measure the mood of your employees and discuss this in your teams to quickly see stress and dissatisfaction and act accordingly.

Are you curious about the tool? Request a free demo here and start quickly!