From September 21 until 27, it was the week of work happiness, in which professionals around the world paid just a little extra attention to employee happiness. At deFinanseurs, employee happiness has always been a priority. The team of financial experts knows better than anyone how to achieve positive results. However, to achieve that, a positive and productive working atmosphere is also needed!

That is why deFinanseurs focus on employee happiness with the help of 2DAYSMOOD. Because to measure is to know, and that also applies to the working atmosphere. If you continuously work with reliable data, you can improve effectively. In this blog you can read 7 tips on how you can increase employee happiness in your team.

1. Organize team days with employee happiness as a CPI

During team days, the teams of deFinanseurs come together and important matters within the company are discussed. And employee happiness is always one of them. By putting this on the management agenda as a CPI, everyone is eager to keep improving it. As a result, there is support at all levels to continue the improvement.

2. Discuss continuously how employee happiness is going

Employee happiness is, by default, an item on deFinanseurs’ agenda during team meetings. Additionally, the 2DAYSMOOD automatic mood report assists with this. By actively working on this, it remains a top-of-mind topic, and it is not only important during the week of work happiness. Instead, they constantly discuss how employee happiness is going and what could be improved. This creates open communication and employee happiness remains a priority.

3. Keep putting effort into development

Development is very important for the happiness of your employees. That is why it is also one of the fifteen drivers of employee happiness. In addition to creating a sense of purpose for employees, development also creates internal talent for the organization. It’s a win-win situation!

4. Give each other feedback

A feedback team has been set up at DeFinanseurs to create openness, which means employees are encouraged to discuss anything and everything with each other. With the data they receive from 2DAYSMOOD, they can discuss weekly how things are going and help each other where necessary. By discussing this feedback and data with each other, confidence and trust in the team also grows.

5. Regularly discuss the vision and mission of your organization

If you regularly discuss the company’s vision and mission, you ensure that everyone is looking in the same direction. This contributes to the commitment and enthusiasm of the employees in your organization. And when employees are more involved, they also experience more happiness at work. In other words, they know what they are doing it for!

6. Provide role models and transformational leadership

Nothing can have as much of an impact as a leader who motivates others. The leader is thus a role model, as it were. At deFinanseurs, they ensure this by having managers regularly participate in all kinds of courses. This way they become aware of what they are promoting to others.

7. Measure the mood of your employees weekly

It is important to work on the happiness of your employees. Not only during the week of work happiness, but every week. By submitting a short survey of 2DAYSMOOD every week, they can keep a close eye on the status of employee happiness at deFinanseurs. The weekly survey ensures that employee happiness is clearly mapped out with figures.

The week of happiness at work reminds us again how important the happiness of your employees really is. Is your company also a business service provider, and do you also want to work with employee happiness? Request a demo now.

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