Inspired by Action for Happiness

We go through life constantly striving for happiness but do we always know how to do so?

The science of wellbeing has the answer! According to the extensive research of Vanessa King and Action for Happiness, there are 10 keys to bringing happiness back into your life. The concept spells it out: GREAT DREAM. Each letter stands for something and shows an area in our life which we can work to improve on.

Giving – As they say, “If you want to feel good, do good!”
Relating – Connect to people and strengthen relationships.
Exercising – Take time to be more active as it improves general mood and wellbeing.
Awareness – Learn to spot out the simple good things all around.
Trying out – Stay curious and engaged, exploring new areas of life.

Direction – Set goals that motivate you to do your best.
Resilience – Find ways to respond positively even to stressful circumstances.
Emotions – Create your own “upward spiral” with enjoyable activities and optimism.
Acceptance – Focus on your own strengths and be kind to your unique self.
Meaning – Establish your purpose by connecting with something bigger than yourself.

March 20th is the international day of happiness, a great day to feel connected to people around you, show your appreciation and practice the 10 points above. Not excluding the workplace from the whole picture, of course! In celebration of the upcoming day, 2daysmood will be revealing its own efforts on every point, daily. Happiness is contagious and it is our passion to let it grow!

Join us with the #the10daygreatdream on our social media channels and share your own moments. Are you ready for the ride?
